About society

The Lithuanian Society of Endodontology was established by a small group of 13 Endodontists and Odontologists in November 1993, becoming the first Professional Dental Society in Lithuania. The constitutive meeting took place in Vilnius, capital of the Republic of Lithuania. Thanks are due to the commitment and hard work of the founder members – prof. Vytautė Pečiulienė, assoc. prof. Rasmutė Manelienė and dr. Bronius Sidaravičius.

The main reasons for establishing the Lithuanian Society of Endodontology were to promote Endodontology within the profession, to establish an active partnership with other dental societies, improve the representation and profile of Endodontology within Lithuanian dental schools and to facilitate expert communication and discussion among dentists. At the present time, the Society has about 100 members.

The Lithuanian Society of Endodontology is a member of the European Society of Endodontology (ESE) since 2010.

Secretariat of the Lithuanian Society of Endodontology:

Giedraičių g. 39-58, Vilnius, Lithuania
E-mail: info@endodontologija.lt

The Board:

Paulius Tušas
Prof. Dr. Vytautė Pečiulienė
Assoc.prof. Saulius Drukteinis
Doc. Dr. Greta Lodienė

Revision committee

Doc. Dr. Tadas Venskutonis (Chair)
Doc. Dr. Neringa Skučaitė
Gyd. Goda Bilvinaitė

